Saturday, February 27, 2016

Beginner to Intermediate TRX Chest and Triceps Workout 2

Here is another TRX workout for the chest and triceps that is fairly manageable for most trainees and can be done in about 15 minutes with a TRX (I use a Woss Trainer:  and a flat piece of ground:

4 rounds with no rest between exercises and 2:00 rest between rounds:

  • 15 Pushups
  • 10 TRX Flyes
  • 15 Pushups
  • 5 TRX Skullcrushers*
*I have a hammer-grip accessory on my Woss trainer that I like to use for these

After completing the 4 rounds, throw this in for a little extra triceps work (1:00 rest between sets):

  • 3 sets of 10 Close-grip Pushups

Remember: When it comes to the TRX, the difficulty of  each exercise is based on the angle of your body in relation to the floor (i.e. if you lean forward more, it will be more difficult) Also, don't cheat yourself on the pushups! Lower your body until your shoulder joints are parallel or lower than your elbow joints and fully lockout your elbows at the top.

Photo credit to Tribesports

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