Monday, March 30, 2015

Post-Squat/Leg Day Kettlebell Complex

This is a single kettlebell complex that I came up with for doing at the end of a squat/ leg day workout. It’s good for adding in a little bit of extra training volume, evening out any imbalances that exist between your legs/hips, working on core stability and anti-rotation and getting in some conditioning work. Always exercise control over the kettlebell, but perform each exercise at a fast pace. If you find this complex easy, it probably means you’re not using a heavy enough kettlebell or you’re performing the exercises too slowly.


Rest for 45 seconds between each exercise

1.       One-handed OH Walking Lunge                        12 steps holding KB in RIGHT hand
2.       One-handed OH Walking Lunge                        12 steps holding KB in LEFT hand
3.       One-handed KB Squat                                       8 squats, KB held in racked position in RIGHT hand
4.       One-handed KB Squat                                       8 squats, KB held in racked position in LEFT hand
5.       One-handed KB Swing                                      15 swings holding KB in RIGHT hand
6.       One-handed KB Swing                                      15 swings holding KB in LEFT hand

*Note: OH stands for overhead, KB stands for kettlebell

If you're looking to make this complex more difficult, I would recommend either lowering the rest period to 30 seconds or completing each exercise for both hands before resting (i.e. performing the one-handed squat holding the KB in the RIGHT hand for 12 reps, performing the one-handed KB squat holding the KB in the LEFT hand for 12 reps and then rest for 45 seconds).